Source code for taskhawk.task_manager

import copy
import inspect
import typing

from taskhawk import Message, Priority
from taskhawk.conf import settings
from taskhawk.exceptions import ConfigurationError, TaskNotFound
from taskhawk.publisher import publish

_ALL_TASKS: dict = {}

[docs]def task(*args, priority: Priority = Priority.default, name: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> typing.Callable: """ Decorator for taskhawk task functions. Any function may be converted into a task by adding this decorator as such: .. code:: python @taskhawk.task def send_email(to: str, subject: str, from: str = None) -> None: ... Additional methods available on tasks are described by :class:`taskhawk.Task` class """ def _decorator(fn: typing.Any) -> typing.Callable: task_name = name or f'{fn.__module__}.{fn.__name__}' existing_task = _ALL_TASKS.get(task_name) if existing_task is not None: func = existing_task.fn raise ConfigurationError(f'Task named "{task_name}" already exists: {func.__module__}.{func.__name__}') fn.task = settings.TASKHAWK_TASK_CLASS(fn, priority, task_name) fn.dispatch = fn.task.dispatch fn.with_headers = fn.task.with_headers fn.with_priority = fn.task.with_priority _ALL_TASKS[] = fn.task return fn if len(args) == 1 and callable(args[0]): # No arguments, this is the decorator return _decorator(args[0]) return _decorator
class AsyncInvocation: """ Represents one particular invocation of a task. An invocation may be customized using `with_` functions, and these won't affect other invocations of the same task. Invocations may also be saved and re-used multiple times. """ def __init__(self, task_: 'Task') -> None: self._task = task_ self._headers: dict = {} self._priority: typing.Optional[Priority] = None def with_headers(self, **headers) -> 'AsyncInvocation': """ Customize headers for this invocation :param headers: Arbitrary headers dict :return: updated invocation that uses custom headers """ self._headers.update(headers) return self def with_priority(self, priority: Priority) -> 'AsyncInvocation': """ Customize priority for this invocation :param priority: Custom priority to attach to this invocation :return: updated invocation that uses custom priority """ assert isinstance(priority, Priority) # don't clobber existing value assert self._priority is None self._priority = priority return self def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Dispatch task for async execution :param args: arguments to pass to the task :param kwargs: keyword args to pass to the task """ message =, copy.deepcopy(args), copy.deepcopy(kwargs), headers={**settings.TASKHAWK_DEFAULT_HEADERS(), **self._headers}, ) message.priority = self._priority or self._task.priority if settings.TASKHAWK_SYNC: message.call_task(None) else: publish(message)
[docs]class Task: """ Represents a Taskhawk task. This class provides methods to dispatch tasks asynchronously, You can also chain customizations such as: .. code:: python send_email.with_headers(request_id='1234')\\ .with_priority(taskhawk.Priority.high)\\ .dispatch('') These customizations may also be saved and re-used multiple times .. code:: python send_email_high_priority = send_email.with_priority(taskhawk.Priority.high) send_email_high_priority.dispatch('') send_email_high_priority.with_headers(request_id='1234')\\ .dispatch('') """ def __init__(self, fn: typing.Callable, priority: Priority, name: str) -> None: self._name = name self._fn = fn self._priority = priority signature = inspect.signature(fn) self._accepts_metadata = False self._accepts_headers = False for p in signature.parameters.values(): # if **kwargs is specified, just pass all things by default since function can always inspect arg names if p.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD: self._accepts_metadata = self._accepts_headers = True elif p.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL: # disallow use of *args raise ConfigurationError("Use of *args is not allowed") elif == 'metadata': if p.annotation is not inspect.Signature.empty and p.annotation is not dict: raise ConfigurationError("Signature for 'metadata' param must be dict") self._accepts_metadata = True elif == 'headers': if p.annotation is not inspect.Signature.empty and p.annotation is not dict: raise ConfigurationError("Signature for 'headers' param must be dict") self._accepts_headers = True @property def name(self) -> str: """ :return: Task name """ return self._name @property def priority(self) -> Priority: """ :return: Priority """ return self._priority @property def fn(self) -> typing.Callable: """" return: Task function """ return self._fn @property def accepts_metadata(self) -> bool: """ :return: Flag indicating if task accepts metadata """ return self._accepts_metadata @property def accepts_headers(self) -> bool: """ :return: Flag indicating if task accepts headers """ return self._accepts_headers
[docs] def with_headers(self, **headers) -> AsyncInvocation: """ Create a task invocation that uses custom headers :param headers: Arbitrary headers :return: an invocation that uses custom headers """ return AsyncInvocation(self).with_headers(**headers)
[docs] def with_priority(self, priority: Priority) -> AsyncInvocation: """ Create a task invocation with custom priority :param priority: Custom priority to attach to this invocation :return: an invocation that uses custom priority """ return AsyncInvocation(self).with_priority(priority)
[docs] def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Dispatch task for async execution :param args: arguments to pass to the task :param kwargs: keyword args to pass to the task """ AsyncInvocation(self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs)
def call(self, message: 'Message', receipt: typing.Optional[str]) -> None: """ Calls the task with this message :param message: The message :param receipt: SQS receipt. May be `None` for Lambda consumers. """ args = copy.deepcopy(message.args) kwargs = copy.deepcopy(message.kwargs) if self.accepts_metadata: kwargs['metadata'] = { 'id':, 'timestamp': message.timestamp, 'version': message.version, 'receipt': receipt, 'priority': message.priority, } if self.accepts_headers: kwargs['headers'] = copy.deepcopy(message.headers) self.fn(*args, **kwargs) def __str__(self) -> str: return f'Taskhawk task: {}' @classmethod def find_by_name(cls, name: str) -> 'Task': """ Finds a task by name :param name: task name (including module) :return: Task :raises TaskNotFound: if task isn't registered """ if name in _ALL_TASKS: return _ALL_TASKS[name] raise TaskNotFound